Democratic Literacy refers to the capacity of all peoples to be heard, seen and recognized as legitimate human beings and dignified members of society. The ESE:O methodology employs a critical and liberatory perspective that understands literacy as a tool for social justice and empowerment, and as a way to exercise civic participation and action. ESE:O affirms that by strengthening language, we can reposition and revitalize public education and democracy.
Democratic Literary refers to teaching and writing competencies in the following categories: 1. Social competencies required to fully participate in public and democratic life, and 2. Civic virtues and behaviorsnecessary for a cooperative, engaging democratic society.
- Engages with series of competencies which, together, stimulate and develop the participation and co-construction of citizenship and democracy
- Implies a connection between general fundamentals (reading comprehension, mathematics, science and language) and social and citizen competencies, which should be obligatory in k-12 institutions.
- Facilitates active integration and participation in public life throughout Latin America.
- Directly connects to all dimensions of curriculum development.
SEGEGOB/Government of Mexico – Systemization and Writing Workshop for the National Survey of Political Culture
Description: This ESE:O writing workshop was developed in the context of the National Survey on Political Culture and Good Citizenship (ENCUP) Summer Course “Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Social Sciences.” The main topic was analysis [...]
Coaching Legal Writing
Description: In collaboration with the Diego Portales University Law School and Chilean Bar Association, ESE:O developed a course to coach lawyers working in English to improve their legal writing skills. Prof. Mary Ray, author and [...]