
he main goal of this project is the development of an online capacity building methodology to validate the experiences and achievements of activists to impact local and international academia and policy makers. The project also aims to evaluate this methodology and test its replicability.

The first phase of this project was to produce an article, in English and Spanish that recounts the experiences and ethnographic work of Luz Méndez, Guatemalan activist in the field of sexual violence against women in the context of that nation’s civil war. The aim of the article was to translate Luz Mendez’ field based knowledge into an academic article aimed to impact public policy.


The project has adapted ESE:O’s methodology for online coaching academics to fit the needs of a activist aiming to systematize her personal experiences and produce new knowledge in a format useful for the elaboration of public policies. In addition to the methodology, ESE:O has developed a theoretical framework and bibliographic materials for this project. The final objective of academic writing is to present new knowledge, based on evidence, to inform the development of sound public policy. To that end, the project also includes a communications strategy to reach decision-makers.