

Soledad Falabella in Requiem: Gabriela Mistral, the word of Elqui

"Réquiem de Chile" is a documentary program that is broadcast on TVN, which brings together the funeral rite with the history of iconic characters from Chile. A look at history through people who marked the [...]

November 18th, 2018|Categories: News|Tags: |

Our heart is with the family of Camilo Catrillanca murdered vilely yesterday in the community Temucuicui Traditional

Our heart is with the family of Camilo Catrillanca murdered vilely yesterday in the community Temucuicui Traditional, by the jungle command of carabineros of Chile. He simply returned home from work and found himself in [...]

November 15th, 2018|Categories: News|

ESE:O in VIII Inter-American Chair Carlos Fuentes, “Carlos Fuentes in Chile”

The seventh edition of the Carlos Fuentes Interamerican Chair of the Veracruzana University of Mexico is open to all audiences in which the literary and intellectual legacy of the Mexican writer and essayist, who lived [...]

October 16th, 2018|Categories: News|

ESE:O in the VII International Congress of Indoamerican Languages and Literatures

The 7th International Congress of Indoamerican Languages and Literatures and XVIII Days of Mapuche Language and Literature took place in Temuco between October 3 and 5, and ESE: O formed part. In the Aula Magna [...]

October 11th, 2018|Categories: News|

ESEO will be part of the annual meeting of the 9th Partners Forum of The Consortium for Advanced Research Training in Africa

This month, between September 17-19, the 9th Annual Forum of Partners of the consortium for the formation of advanced research in Africa, CARTA (for its acronym in English) will be held. This meeting will be [...]

September 7th, 2018|Categories: News|