
This ESE:O writing workshop was developed in the context of the National Survey on Political Culture and Good Citizenship (ENCUP) Summer Course “Introduction to Quantitative Analysis in Social Sciences.” The main topic was analysis of the Interior Ministry 2009 National Survey on Political Culture and Good Citizenship. The Ministry presented a statistical analysis of civic-political values, practices and interests of Mexicans, including their perception of the political system.

The workshop was a component of a larger course (statistics, politics, research methods, etc) for Mexican state universities students and was designed to develop the writing skills needed to produce articles to analyze the ENCUP survey (


The workshop, which combined classroom and online work, included both writing skills and their relationship to quantitative data management and strategies to organize information in the context of a research proposal. The activities produced academic articles on topics including in the ENCUP survey.

ESE:O also organized a Research and Writing Methodology conference and two workshops (“Research Proposal Preparation” and “Presentation and Discussion of Research Projects.”)