
ESE:O provided strategic consultation to Mexico’s Ministry of Education for its PISA 2009 Evaluation campaign and training manuals used by teachers and students. PISA is the acronym of the International Program of Student Evaluation, an exam given every three years since 1997 by the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development. The exam, given in more than 60 countries, was most recently given in Mexico in March 2009.

PISA evaluates competencies in areas of reading, mathematics and science and identifies the competencies, abilities, expertise and aptitudes of students to analyze and resolve problems, manage information and confront situations in each of these areas. ESE:O’s contribution was to help the Mexican government pinpoint and address specific deficiencies in aspects of students’ academic preparation.

ESE:O pretende ir un poco más allá de PISA y, consciente de la situación de la educación latinoamericana, le agregó una mirada crítica.


The collaborative relationship between ESE:O, the Monterrey Institute of Technology, Ministry of Education and departments of Elementary and Middle School Education used interactive methodology to create instruction materials for PISA and devise a communication strategy, developing:

  • Manuals for all elementary and middle school professors and students (age 11 to 15).
  • Online course of 40 chronological hours and website
  • Face-to-face workshops for instructors.