Democratic Literacy refers to the capacity of all peoples to be heard, seen and recognized as legitimate human beings and dignified members of society. The ESE:O  methodology employs a critical and liberatory perspective that understands literacy as a tool for social justice and empowerment, and as a way to exercise civic participation and action. ESE:O  affirms that by strengthening language, we can reposition and revitalize public education and democracy.

Democratic Literary refers to teaching and writing competencies in the following categories: 1. Social competencies required to fully participate in public and democratic life, and 2. Civic virtues and behaviorsnecessary for a cooperative, engaging democratic society.

  • Engages with series of competencies which, together, stimulate and develop the participation and co-construction of citizenship and democracy
  • Implies a connection between general fundamentals (reading comprehension, mathematics, science and language) and social and citizen competencies, which should be obligatory in k-12 institutions.
  • Facilitates active integration and participation in public life throughout Latin America.
  • Directly connects to all dimensions of curriculum development.

Coaching Legal Writing

Description: In collaboration with the Diego Portales University Law School and Chilean Bar Association, ESE:O developed a course to coach lawyers working in English to improve their legal writing skills. Prof. Mary Ray, author and [...]